LITTLE PANDA’S CDC, LLC believes that YOU are your child’s most important teacher! We welcome you to LITTLE PANDA’S CDC, LLC at any, time. There are many ways that you can help your child and other children while at the center. You can teach a lesson, help in the classroom, teach a song or dance, read a book, make learning materials, tell a story or favorite folktale, build a playground, plant a garden, and any other special talent that you want to share. All parents are encouraged to participate in all center activities and parents meetings. Attending a parent meeting helps you learn what is happening at your child daycare and in the community. It is a great way to get to know other parents and share ideas and suggestions.
Spending time here at the daycare will help you learn more about how children grow, learn and will help you create real partnerships with staff and other parents.
Little panda’s CDC, LLC has an open door policy for all parents who wish to come in and visit their children in classroom may do so without notifying their child’s teacher. Parents are encouraged to participate whenever possible in the activities at the center. Parents have unlimited access to all areas of the building used for child care during hours of operation. Parents may wish to attend class parties, have lunch or simply stop into join the daily routines. Teachers are available to discuss a child’s progress or needs at any time. However due to staff responsibilities and schedules, parents are asked to make appointments with teacher or staff when it is necessary to engage in any lengthy conversations. Teachers want to be able to focus on you and your child at these times. If parents have any concerns or questions at any time it is recommended that the following chain of command be used until an answer or solution is found.
Please feel free to bring concerns up when they occur. Often they can be address when they are little problems, before they grow into bigger problems. Staff fully realize that you are trusting us with your little ones and we want our relationship to be a good one.
The Center hours are from 6:00 am to 5:00 pm, Monday through Friday. We are closed for certain holidays and trainings. This Center is open all year round. Although regular attendance is important, we cannot accept your child when he/she is sick. When your child is sick, he/she will not feel like playing. Your home will be a more comfortable place for your sick child. If you have any questions please refer to LITTLE PANDA’S CDC, LLC Coordinator or person in charge. If your child becomes sick at the Center, the Center Coordinator or person in charge will contact you or your emergency contact person. You may need to pick up your child early. A “Health Referral” for your doctor or other instructions may be given to you when you pick your sick child from the center.
Under Florida law, child care staff must report suspected child abuse and child neglect to the Florida Department of Children and Families, Child Abuse Hotline. Any physical or emotional injury that is not an accident is child abuse. We will carry out this legal and moral obligation. If you suspect a child in your family or neighborhood is abused or neglected, you should call the Hotline to report it also. The free phone number is 1-800-96 ABUSE (1-800-962-2873)
LITTLE PANDA’S CDC, LLC staff will not give a baby bottle to your toddler after twelve months of age. Toddlers are able to drink from a cup and feel good about doing it. When your child walks around or goes to sleep with a bottle, he/she is more likely to have painful baby bottle tooth decay, ear infections, speech problems, and anemia. Please dress your child comfortably for play and bring a change of clothing. Playtime can be messy and accidents will happen. Wearing jewelry is beautiful and looks nice on your children but the Center will not be responsible for missing Jewelry. Therefore, we recommend that you keep your child’s jewelry at home.
During your enrollment you will be given choices about giving permission to LITTLE PANDA’S CDC, LLC staff for mosquito repellent and sunscreen to be applied when necessary, before outdoor play. Other permission will be requested for screenings and services. Your understanding of the services and your approval is important to us. You have been given the Florida Department of Children and Families booklet “know Your Child’s Day Care Center” and this LITTLE PANDA’S CDC, LLC handbook. Your satisfaction about the services we provide is important to us. If you have a concern about the care or education that your child receives at LITTLE PANDA’S CDC, LLC please notify the Center Coordinator immediately.
LITTLE PANDA’S CDC, LLC uses a curriculum to help guide the teachers to plan meaningful learning activities. The teachers know that children are interested in many different things. They know children are curious playful and love to explore. Observing children helps teachers plan activities for small groups and individual children. Your child’s teacher depends on you to share your child’s likes and dislikes and to share what things you would like your child to learn. Together you and your child’s teacher will help prepare your child for a lifetime of learning and the necessary skills that will help your child succeed in school.
Your child will need a complete physical and immunization record to be accepted at LITTLE PANDA’S CDC, LLC. If you have a heath or developmental concern, please share it with your child’s teacher. Your child’s teacher will share his/her observations and concerns with you.
LITTLE PANDA’S CDC, LCC nutrition program exceeds United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) standards for meals in childcare programs. LITTLE PANDA’S CDC, LLC serves meals and snacks “family style”. Children sit at the table, serve themselves and talk to each other; while eating in harmony.
Drop off and pick up times are busy times at LITTLE PANDA’S CDC, LLC. You and your child’s safety are very important to us. Please make sure you hold your child’s hand while in the parking lot and until you are safely inside the Center’s door or inside your Vehicle.
The person you select to be on you Emergency List must be at least 18 years of age, bring identification to LITTLE PANDA’S CDC, LLC and present it to the teacher or staff in charge. The only way we will be able to give a child to a person that is at least 16 years of age not younger is if you are the parent or legal guardian and you must proof you are at least 16 years of age with a valid driver’s licenses
Parents are encouraged to bring their child every day to class so they don’t miss on any daily class room activities and routines. We recommend parents to call or send a note to account for each day that their child cannot attend class and to explain the reasons for the absence. Attendance will be recorded daily in the classroom. Children are allowed to miss three days per month if the child misses more days we will require an excused note stating the reason of the child’s absents or a doctor’s note to excuse your child if he or she is sick. If the child is absent for five (5) consecutive days we will notify the coalition in writing if there is no contact from the parent by the close of the fifth (5th) day.
All parent fees are due on Monday of the week childcare is provided. Here at little panda’s CDC we first write all parents fees on a note book folder. Where each parent has their own section with their total amount due for that week. Once the payment if given we write it down on the note book with date and payment type (cash, money order or check) and on the end of the day we take that notebook to the office sectary were he/ she puts them on the computer program (childcare Sage) and makes sure to give out each parent their receipt either by the end of the day or first thing next morning.
Parents are responsible for signing children in and out. This procedure is extremely important for attendance records and safety measures in emergencies. There is a sign in/sign out folder per class with a sheet for every child to be signed in and out. Children may not be dropped off at the entrance of the building or be sent inside alone. Teacher/ Staff must be made aware of each child’s presence before the parent departs. At the time of pick- up parents are asked to make contact with their child’s teacher/staff supervising member to ensure that they are aware that the child have been picked up. Parents are responsible for the supervision of their child before sign-in and after signing them out. No child is permitted to be passed over the playground fence for pick up or drop off.
Little Panda’s Child Development Center, LLC is adhere to a strict non-discrimination policy in its employment practices and in the provision of services to its clients. Little Panda’s CDC will not refuse, withhold, or limit the provision of any services to any present or prospective client, or make any employment decision regarding any current or prospective employee, based solely on that individual’s race, color, religious creed, handicap, ancestry, national origin, age, sex, veteran status, disability, marital status, sexual orientation, pregnancy or citizenship status. Little Panda’s CDC, LLC is an equal opportunity employer.
The purpose of this law is to ensure childcare providers are held accountable for keeping track of and monitoring the health, safety, and welfare of children who are under court ordered protective supervision. A child who is under the protection of the Department of Children and Families (BG-1) may not be withdrawn from this center without the prior written approval of the responsible agency If a child under protective supervision is absent from the program on a day when he or she is supposed to be present, the person with whom the child resides must report the absence by the end of that business day. If the person with whom the child resides, whether the parent or caregiver, fails to timely report the absence, the absence is considered to be unexcused. The provider is required to report any unexcused absence or seven consecutive excused absences of a child who is enrolled in the program and covered by this act to the caseworker assigned to the family by end of the business day following the unexcused absence or seventh consecutive excused absence.
When you are late picking up your child the center must pay additional wages to staff to care for your child after the hours of the program has ended. Parents may be charged a reasonable fee for “after care”. Occasionally emergencies occur and we will take these into consideration.
Advance notice from parents is appreciated when you plan to withdraw your child from the center.
Termination of child care services may occur for the following reasons:
*If we feel the child must be terminated due to behavior issues, first we will do the following:
Little Panda’s Child Development Center, LLC is very sensitive to the fact that information concerning you, your child and your family is private and personal. Trust and confidentiality are essential to building trusting relationships. We are committed to maintaining your privacy and protecting your personal information. Little Panda’s CDC, LLC will not disclose information except as required by law or when there is a threat to the health and safety of the individuals and families we serve. Family and child records are kept in locked file cabinets and are only accessible to the parents of the child, staff who work directly with your child and child care licensing for review of your child’s immunization and physical records. All child records, including sign in and sign outs documentation, enrollment and attendance certification, documentation to support excused absences and proof of parent co-payments for children funded by the SR program will stored for a period of five (5) years from the date of the last fiscal year. They will be stored in a yellow envelope with each child’s name and the last day of attendance on it. They will be in plastic containers with a lid on it in a locked storage room located in the building.
When children are sick with these Signs of Illness they should stay home. Take your child to the clinic or his/her doctor for treatment. Return to the center when the Signs of Illness are gone. Children who are sick when certain symptoms should stay at home, away from other children. When sick children are in the child care center they don't feel like playing and they spread their illness to other children. When the teacher spends extra time taking care of a sick child, the other Children do not get the attention they need. It is not safe of pleasant for the child who is sick or the other children and adults. Every day the teacher does a Daily Health Check on all children to see if any child is too to be at the center. They follow the guidelines in the Little Panda's CDC Health Book. If your child is sick, the Center Coordinator will call you or the Emergency Contact people you wrote on the enrollment application. You may need to come pick up your sick child.
The purpose of this policy is to ensure that when an accident occurs in Little Panda’s CDC, appropriate action is taken, and accurate information is recorded and communicated to parents. It is responsibility of every member of staff member to ensure that accidents and injuries are dealt with appropriately and swiftly. The safety of your child is paramount, and every measure will be taken to protect your child from hurting themselves. However sometimes accidents do unavoidably happen, and the following procedure will be carried out in dealing with the situation:
At Little Panda’s CDC we pride ourselves on having 100% of our staff trained in pediatric first aid. First aid kits are stationed around the daycare, visibly labeled, dated, with an inventory/item list. The Director is responsible for making sure that all medical information and emergency contact details on the children’s documents/files are up to date and accurate.
We keep written record of all accidents, incidents, or injuries to a child together with any first aid treatment given. Any event, however minor, is recorded by completing an “accident/incident report” and the procedure is the same for both types of events as follows”
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